One Body to Love 

It's time to break free from



"Can I trust myself not to overeat if I start eating this?"
"Why can't I enjoy food without spiraling into binge eating?"
"If I slip is my whole effort to eat healthily is ruined?"
"How do I stop feeling so guilty every time I eat something I enjoy?"
"Why does it feel like I'm in a constant battle with my willpower?"

You're exhausted from the binge eating cycle that leaves you feeling defeated and out of control

Let me show you the path to food freedom 

(*hint* it’s not another diet)

you’re searching for how to control your urges again,
filling your head with hundreds of doubts…

will you ever be able to enjoy your favorite foods
without overeating? 

"Can I trust myself not to overeat if I start eating this?"

"Why can't I enjoy food without spiraling into binge eating?"

"If I slip is my whole effort to eat healthily is ruined?"

"How do I stop feeling so guilty every time I eat something I enjoy?"

"Why does it feel like I'm in a constant battle with my willpower?"

no more Deprivation.
No more skipping the good Stuff!

You’ve spent hours soaking up dieting strategies, learning more than you wanted to know about calories and macros — when all you really want to do is nourish your body while finding pleasure in food.  

You're starting to see that it's more than just simply
following a prescriptive meal plan But — 

You can't figure out how to read your hunger and fullness cues without losing control...

And the nuts-and-bolts of avoiding emotional eating?!?
It's beyond you.

  • Achieve peace with food and your body
  • Trust your body's cues to guide your eating habits
  • Gain the freedom to focus on life's joys beyond food
  • Cultivate a positive body image and embrace your body as it is
  • Reduce feelings of guilt and anxiety around eating
  • Feel empowered to make choices that nourish you
  • Enjoy meals without fear of losing control
  • Achieve peace with food and your body
  • Trust your body's cues to guide your eating habits
  • Gain the freedom to focus on life's joys beyond food
  • Cultivate a positive body image and embrace your body as it is
  • Reduce feelings of guilt and anxiety around eating
  • Feel empowered to make choices that nourish you
  • Enjoy meals without fear of losing control

But what if the answer isn’t another diet, but working with your body?

You’re ready to embrace life, free from the grip of binge eating and emotional eating

Science is on your side. 


A National Institute of Mental Health Study shows that Intuitive Eating decreases binge eating habits, increases body acceptance and satisfaction, and results in greater overall physical health (Imagine that, right?!)

A connected, respectful relationship with your body is within reach.


"Before joining One Body to Love, I felt trapped by my disordered eating. Now, I have greater eating flexibility, increased self-compassion, and a deeper understanding of my body's needs."


Escape the shame and embarrassment of failed diet after failed diet

Learn to forgive yourself for how you’ve treated your body

Feel confident in yourself and your relationship with food

Trust your body and your hunger and fullness cues

Learn strategies (that actually work) to deal with your emotional urges

Begin to enjoy movement without punishing yourself 

An intimate group program for connecting and trusting your body in a way that works for YOU.

All designed to be the last program
you will ever need.


The solution? A transformative program designed to end binge eating by empowering you to trust your body’s cues, embrace self-acceptance, and find joy in food and life without fear.

BRING ALL THese skills and support to your late-night negotiations with the pantry


Module 5

"A wonderful experience where you will feel seen, understood, and supported. Meredith provides practical strategies that actually work, helping you to not only understand but also love your body and your food choices."

Module 1

Module 2

Module 2

Goodbye Diet Culture

honoring your hunger

honoring your hunger

Stop second-guessing when and what to eat! I’ll guide you on how to tune into your hunger cues and position yourself as a mindful eater who listens to their body.
I’ll teach you the crucial steps of reconnecting with your body.

You’ll explore the nurturing relationship with yourself and how acknowledging your needs can transform your approach to eating.

I’ll unpack the science behind your hunger, giving you insights into the biological cues that guide your eating habits.

Get ready to build a trusting relationship with your body and learn the art of honoring your hunger, by acknowledging your physiological needs and embracing mindful eating.

Module 3

making Peace with Food

Does food control your life? You’ll take powerful steps to reduce food's grip on you and guide you to a more peaceful relationship with eating.

In this module, we dive into your complex relationship with food, beginning with understanding the cycle of restricting and overeating that creates so much stress. Learn strategies to recognize and dismantle the patterns that keep you bound to unhealthy eating habits.

You’ll allow yourself to enjoy food without guilt or fear, promoting a balanced and joyful eating experience. 

Get ready to liberate yourself from food's control and embrace a new freedom in eating, by learning to trust your body and its needs, making peace with food at every meal.

Module 4

Module 4

Coping with Emotions

Coping with Emotions

Discover how to manage your feelings without turning to food for comfort. We'll explore the emotional triggers that prompt eating. You’ll learn alternative ways to cope with your emotions. 

Unpack emotional eating by identifying specific emotions that lead to eating and develop personalized strategies to handle stress, anxiety, or sadness without food. 

Enhance your emotional well-being with tools that build resilience and emotional strength, ensuring you can face life's ups and downs with confidence and self-compassion.

Discover how to manage your feelings without turning to food for comfort. We'll explore the emotional triggers that prompt eating. You’ll learn alternative ways to cope with your emotions. 

Unpack emotional eating by identifying specific emotions that lead to eating and develop personalized strategies to handle stress, anxiety, or sadness without food. 

Enhance your emotional well-being with tools that build resilience and emotional strength, ensuring you can face life's ups and downs with confidence and self-compassion.

Module 6

Module 6

Challenge the food Police

The Satisfaction factor

The Satisfaction factor

Dive deeper into the internal dialogue that influences your eating habits and self-view. 

This module helps you confront and quiet the critical voices—the "Food Police"—that emerge from diet culture's rules. You'll learn to recognize and challenge harmful thoughts and beliefs about food and your body. 

Learn how to nurture supportive voices and silence critical ones. Learn techniques to transform your thought patterns towards a more positive and supportive mindset.

Rediscover the pleasure in eating! This module encourages you to embrace the sensory experiences of food, helping you find satisfaction in meals, leading to more intuitive eating habits.

Learn how to create enjoyable eating experiences, understand how satisfaction can aid in regulating intake naturally, and use your newfound knowledge to enhance your overall satisfaction with food, making eating a delightful part of your day.

Rediscover the pleasure in eating! This module encourages you to embrace the sensory experiences of food, helping you find satisfaction in meals, leading to more intuitive eating habits.

Learn how to create enjoyable eating experiences, understand how satisfaction can aid in regulating intake naturally, and use your newfound knowledge to enhance your overall satisfaction with food, making eating a delightful part of your day.

Module 7

Respecting Your Body

Learn to honor and accept your body. Cultivate a loving relationship with yourself and feel good in your own skin." 

Through practical exercises and reflective practices, you'll learn to appreciate your body's capabilities and address body image concerns. 

Develop strategies for self-care that reinforce body respect and acceptance, fostering a positive body image and a respectful, appreciative relationship with your physical self.

Module 8

Module 8

feeling your fullness

feeling your fullness

Gain mastery over your eating cues in and conquer binge eating by feeling your fullness. Recognize and honor your body's signals of fullness and learn to differentiate between physical fullness and emotional satisfaction, and discover strategies to avoid overeating. 

Develop practical tips to stop eating when you're comfortably full, promoting a healthier, more mindful approach to eating that respects your body's natural signals.

Gain mastery over your eating cues in and conquer binge eating by feeling your fullness. Recognize and honor your body's signals of fullness and learn to differentiate between physical fullness and emotional satisfaction, and discover strategies to avoid overeating. 

Develop practical tips to stop eating when you're comfortably full, promoting a healthier, more mindful approach to eating that respects your body's natural signals.

Module 9

joyful movement

Transform your approach to physical activity. Find ways to incorporate enjoyable and fulfilling physical activities into your life, turning exercise from a duty into a celebration. 

This module encourages you to explore various forms of movement, identify what you genuinely enjoy, and integrate these activities into your routine in a fun, sustainable way. Celebrating your body through movement helps reinforce the connection between physical activity and positive body image.

Module 10

Module 10

Gentle Nutrition

Gentle Nutrition

End your journey with a deep dive into gentle nutrition. Learn to balance eating for health with eating for pleasure without the strict rules typical of diets. 

This module will teach you how to choose foods that nourish and satisfy, understand the role of nutrients in your body, and develop a flexible, forgiving approach to eating. 

A non-diet approach ensures you maintain a healthy relationship with food that supports your body's needs while also allowing you to enjoy your culinary experiences fully.

End your journey with a deep dive into gentle nutrition. Learn to balance eating for health with eating for pleasure without the strict rules typical of diets. 

This module will teach you how to choose foods that nourish and satisfy, understand the role of nutrients in your body, and develop a flexible, forgiving approach to eating. 

A non-diet approach ensures you maintain a healthy relationship with food that supports your body's needs while also allowing you to enjoy your culinary experiences fully.

PLUS, all the tools and support you need to actually make lasting changes

the extras

 Imagine a program that fosters deep psychological change.
One Body to Love isn't about fleeting transformations. With ongoing support, community reinforcement, and adaptable tools, this program is the start of a lifelong journey to food peace and body love. Grounded in profound psychological insights and real emotional healing, begin a transformation that lasts.

$49 value

Dig into the material with personalized support.. Weekly, 1-hour group coaching calls with other One Body to Love members, for accountability, support and a space to ask all the questions that might come up!

To pinpoint your overeating pitfalls and create your simplified plan for customizing your experience in the program. You will have instant access and it will be reviewed by me to help tailor your course experience to what you need to help you end binge eating.

weekly group coaching

Personal Eating Assessment

$5000 value

Your between-session support system, where everyone understands what it feels like to lose control with food. Our community is here for you every step of the way.

private virtual community

$49 value

$500 value

To pinpoint your overeating pitfalls and create your simplified plan for customizing your experience in the program. You will have instant access and it will be reviewed by me to help tailor your course experience to what you need to help you end binge eating.

personal eating assessment

"This program has helped me make peace with my body. I have seen tangible improvements such as less frequent binge eating and greater body acceptance."

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by diet rules and societal pressures, (Hi! You're welcome here!) this module is for you. Stop wrestling with the concepts of 'diet perfection' and 'body standards'! I'll teach you how to break free from diet culture and position yourself as a champion of your own body.

We're diving into the harmful impacts of diet culture and my step-by-step process to reclaiming your food freedom on your terms.

Next, you’ll learn my transformative Food Freedom Formula to understand your eating habits, identify triggers, and cultivate a nurturing relationship with food.

Get ready to unlock the secret to loving your body and embracing intuitive eating, by owning your experiences and celebrating who you are.

"This program has helped me make peace with my body. I have seen tangible improvements such as less frequent binge eating and greater body acceptance."

What's Inside the Program?

To pinpoint your overeating pitfalls and create your simplified plan for customizing your experience in the program. You will have instant access and it will be reviewed by me to help tailor your course experience to what you need to help you end binge eating.

personal eating assessment

$49 value

Let’s Do This!

What is food freedom worth to you?

It comes down to this...

What do you say, wanna wiork together?

Escape the heavy shame of emotional eating

Learn to forgive yourself for how you’ve treated your body

Feel confident in yourself and your relationship with food

Trust your body's your hunger and fullness cues

Learn strategies (that actually work) to deal with your emotional urges

Begin to enjoy movement without punishing yourself 

Your body deserves nourishment and care. Transform from feeling out of control and ashamed to becoming a confident intuitive eater who joyfully respects her body.

Join One Body to Love and let me help you to:

What do you say, wanna work together?

“Your relationship with food is one of your earliest and most meaningful relationships - one you will have for the rest of your life. It might as well be the best relationship that it can be.”

Or you could listen to that part of you that knows you and your body deserve better.

You could try another diet, restricting yourself followed by caving and defeating all your efforts or try one of a million and one "healthy lifestyle" plans offered by an unqualified social media influencer.

Take back control and don’t settle for mediocrity. 
This is the real deal, with science backing you and a qualified, credentialed coach leading the way

It's time to forgive yourself— once and for all

Your Investment For
One Body To Love?


I'm ready to join for $997!

For a One-time Payment of 

10 educational modules

Weekly group support calls

Instant access to the virtual community

A free copy of the fourth edition of Intuitive Eating book

A personal eating assessment

one year access to the program and any additions made

Value of over $10,000!

Two monthly payments of


enroll now

one payment of


enroll now

Three monthly payments of


enroll now

Best Savings!

two monthly payments of


enroll now


enroll now

three monthly payments of

one body to love member


"I’m quite confident, as I now have the knowledge. It’s about shifting the mindset to become the new norm and integrating mindful eating habits into a daily routine.”

"This program has helped me make peace with my body. I have seen tangible improvements such as less frequent binge eating and greater body acceptance."

"A welcoming space that is safe. The community aspect was incredible, and it helped me connect with others who are facing similar challenges."

For the majority of my 20’s I was deeply buried in diet culture, disordered eating and eventually overeating. To be honest, the emotional disconnection I had with my body was what led me to the field of psychology. Finally Intuitive Eating sashayed into my life, and I have the practical and grounding solution why everything about eating and respecting my body seemed so hard.

Fast-forward, with over ten years as a specialized eating therapist and researcher (I moonlight as a PhD Candidate in my downtime), I now help women in all stages of life overcome similar obstacles that I overcame.

After all the treatment programs I worked in, I noticed there wasn’t anything credible available to help women who struggled with overeating and binge eating. The experience is shaming enough on its own, and you're expected to deal with it alone too. I knew that needed to change, and I wanted to help as many women as possible. 

Who am I to be helping you with overcoming your overeating struggles?

LET ME TELL YOU - I've been there.

meet your coach

Hi! I'm Meredith

One Body to Love was born.

Even if it’s scary, you know dieting isn’t the answer and you're ready for this time to be different from everything you've tried before.

You want a more connected and respectful relationship with food and your body

You're interested in receiving the support of a community

You want a more connected and respectful relationship with your body

Even if it’s scary, you know dieting isn’t the answer and you're ready for this time to be different from everything you've tried before.

You're interested in receiving the support of a community

How to know if you’re a perfect match for One Body to Love:

We might not be a match if:

You’re not ready to put your relationship with dieting on pause.

You’re actively engaging in self-harm and experiencing suicidal ideation

You’re in the weight restoration phase of anorexia and your medical team has advised against Intuitive Eating at this time

You’re not ready to put your relationship with dieting on pause.

You’re actively engaging in self-harm and experiencing suicidal ideation

You’re in the weight restoration phase of anorexia and your medical team has advised against Intuitive Eating at this time

I'm in, let's do this!


you've got questions, I've got answers

I just don’t think I can spend that right now! Is there a payment plan?

Yes! We offer two payment plan options: Two installments of $550 each, paid over two months, or three payments of $400, paid over three months.

How long do I get access?

You will have access to the program for one year along with any updates or additions that are made during that time. If you ever need to check-in, you will be able to purchase a monthly coaching membership!

Will I lose weight on this program?

One Body to Love follows the Intuitive Eating, weight-neutral framework. The focus and intention is not on weight loss. If you are looking to lose weight, this may not be the right program for you. 

What if I’ve already tried everything and nothing has worked? How do I know this will actually work?

Intuitive Eating is not something you can pass or fail. Intuitive Eating is unlike any diet you've tried before, because is not a diet! It's a complete shift in your mindset and relationship with food. You’re not alone in this concern. New = scary, and that’s why you’ll have support every step of the way.

Can I sign up anytime?

Yes! Enrollment to the program is open and we welcome you to join our supportive community. 

I have more questions—how can I get in touch?

I’m here to answer any questions you have! Please email me directly at

Joining One Body to Love should be a no-brainer. I'm here to answer any questions you have about the program. 

Reach out by email at or book a free 20-minute discovery call with me!

Reach out by email at or book a free 20-minute discovery call with me!

Joining One Body to Love should be a no-brainer. I'm here to answer any questions you have about the program.

Book a discovery call


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