Dieting didn't work.
It's time to try something new.

Say goodbye to binge eating forever and live the life you’ve been missing!

follow a scientifically-proven, Intuitive Eating Program
Made For Women.

follow a
scientifically-proven, Intuitive Eating Program
Made For Women.

no more Deprivation.
No more skipping the good Stuff!

You’ve spent hours soaking up dieting strategies, learning more than you wanted to know about calories and macros — when all you really want to do is nourish your body while finding pleasure in food.  

You're starting to see that it's more than just simply
following a prescriptive meal plan But — 

You can't figure out how to read your hunger and fullness cues without losing control...

And the nuts-and-bolts of avoiding emotional eating?!?

It's beyond you.

Am I allowed to eat this?

Will I ever be able to enjoy food without risking overeating again?

Is my healthy eating plan ruined if I eat this?

Am I destined to struggle with food forever?

You’re tired of second-guessing your eating decisions:

Let me show you the final Step towards food freedom (because it’s not a diet).

you’re searching for how to control your urges again,
filling your head with hundreds of doubts…

will you ever be able to enjoy your favorite foods without overeating? 

  • Start making peace with food and your body in just 10 weeks 
  • Trusting the cues your body gives you 
  • Freedom to focus on the other things that fill your life with joy
  • Having a healthy body image and accepting your body as it is

But what if the answer isn’t another diet, but working with your body?


You’re ready to start living your life, without body image holding you back.

Science is on your side. 


A National Institute of Mental Health Study shows that Intuitive Eating decreases binge eating habits, increases body acceptance and satisfaction, and results in greater overall physical health (Imagine that, right?!)

A connected, respectful relationship with your body is within reach.


Escape the shame and embarrassment of failed diet after failed diet

Learn to forgive yourself for how you’ve treated your body

Feel confident in yourself and your relationship with food

Trust your body and your hunger and fullness cues

Learn strategies (that actually work) to deal with your emotional urges

Begin to enjoy movement without punishing yourself 

An intimate group program for connecting and trusting your body in a way that works for YOU.

All designed to be the last program
you will ever need.


The solution? 10 self-paced modules of uplifting and inspiring step-by-step lessons for women who are ready to live without overeating or hating their bodies.

virtual community

What's Inside the Program?

Instant access to the One Body to Love Private Facebook Community
where I live between coaching calls!

Weekly Group Support Calls

This time, it will be different - you have a whole group guiding your process, exercises to practice your new skills between sessions and at the end will have your personalized plan on how to continue.

10 skills Modules

One hour group coaching calls, 3 times per week, with other One Body to Love members, for accountability, support and a space to ask all the questions that might come up!

Self-paced modules including the exact plan I use with my one-on-one clients. It’s time to short-cut your freedom from food. Including personalized exercises, so you can create a new relationship with food  and your body without the stress of doing it on your own - you can go back again and again. This time it will work because it's a long term plan!

Created by Meredith MacKenzie, specialized binge eating therapist, 
based on the scientifically-proven Intuitive Eating method.

$4000 value

$6000+ value

$500 value

Your between-session support system, where everyone understands what it feels like to lose control 
with food and they're there to support you when you're feeling unsteady. I know you're scared - anything worth having isn't easy. And our community is here for you every step of the way.

Let’s Do This!

What do you say, wanna work together?

What is freedom from food worth to you?

It comes down to this

Escape the shame and embarrassment of failed diet after failed diet

Learn to forgive yourself for how you’ve treated your body

Feel confident in yourself and your relationship with food

Trust your body and your hunger and fullness cues

Learn strategies (that actually work) to deal with your emotional urges

Begin to enjoy movement without punishing yourself 

You KNOW your body deserves to be nourished and cared for. Go from feeling out of control and ashamed of yourself to a confident intuitive eater who enjoys food and respects her body.
Join One Body to Love, and let me help you:

uh yesss!

Ready to get started?

Ten weeks from your first session, you’ll be more connected with your body, eating according to your cues, and moving for enjoyment. Finally living your life more fully.

reconnect with
your body


Take a deep breath, we’re in this together! You’ll join your first small group coaching session, with women with all the same struggles and goals as you.

thrive in community


Book an application call


Click the Apply Now button anywhere on the page to schedule a call with me
to discuss the program
and your fit. 
I can’t wait to talk to you! 


How does it work?

let's talk about

The Extras

Lifetime Access to the program and any additions made. We know there isn't a "one and done" solution, which is why you'll have access for each step in your journey.


lifetime access

A copy of the fourth edition of Intuitive Eating book.

To pinpoint your overeating pitfalls and create your simplified plan for customizing your experience in the program. You will have instant access and it will be reviewed by me to help tailor your course experience to what YOU need to help you end binge eating.

personal eating assessment

Intuitive Eating book



$18 value

$49 value

$10,000+ value

“Your relationship with food is one of your earliest and most meaningful relationships - one you will have for the rest of your life. It might as well be the best relationship that it can be.”


You could try another diet, restricting yourself, then caving and defeating all your efforts - on repeat - or try one of five million and one "healthy lifestyle" plans offered by an unqualified social media influencer.

Or you could listen to that part of you that knows YOU and your body deserve better.

Take back control and don’t settle for mediocrity. 
This is the real deal, with science backing you and a qualified, credentialed coach leading the way. 

It's time
to give yourself permission to forgive yourself for struggling with food—once and for all.

Your Investment For
One Body To Love?


I'm ready for food freedom!!

For a One-time Payment of 

10 educational modules

Weekly group support calls

Instant access to the virtual community

A free copy of the fourth edition of Intuitive Eating book

A personal eating assessment

Lifetime access to the program and any additions made

3 times/

Value of over $10,000!

Past client

"I’m quite confident, as I now have the knowledge. It’s about shifting the mindset to become the new norm and integrating mindful eating habits into a daily routine.”

For the majority of my 20’s I was deeply buried in diet culture, disordered eating and eventually overeating. To be honest, the emotional disconnection I had with my body was what led me to the field of psychology. Finally Inutitive Eating sashayed into my life, and I have the practical and grounding solution why everything about eating and respecting my body seemed so hard.

Fast-forward, with over ten years as a specialized eating therapist and researcher (I moonlight as a PhD Candidate in my downtime), I now help women in all stages of life overcome similar obstacles that I overcame.

After all the treatment programs I worked in, I noticed there wasn’t anything credible available to help women who struggled with overeating and binge eating. The experience is shaming enough on its own, and you're expected to deal with it alone too. I knew that needed to change, and I wanted to help as many women as possible. 

One Body to Love was born.

Who am I to be helping you with overcoming your overeating struggles? Let me tell you - I’ve been there.

meet your coach

Hi! I'm Meredith

Even if it’s scary, you know dieting isn’t the answer and you're ready for this time to be different from everything you've tried before.

You want a more connected and respectful relationship 

You're interested in receiving the support of a community

You want a more connected and respectful relationship with your body

Even if it’s scary, you know dieting isn’t the answer and you're ready for this time to be different from everything you've tried before.

You're interested in receiving the support of a community

How to know if you’re a perfect match for One Body to Love:

We might not be a match if:

You’re not ready to put your relationship with dieting on pause.

You’re actively engaging in self-harm and experiencing suicidal ideation

You’re in the weight restoration phase of anorexia and your medical team has advised against Intuitive Eating at this time

You’re in the weight restoration phase of anorexia and your medical team has advised against Intuitive Eating at this time

You’re actively engaging in self-harm and experiencing suicidal ideation

You’re not ready to put your relationship with dieting on pause.


you've got questions, I've got answers

I just don’t think I can spend that right now! Isn’t there a payment plan?

Yes! We offer a payment plan of two installments of $1050 each, paid over two months, or three payments of $750, paid over three months.

How long do I get access?

You will have lifetime access to the program, and any update or additions that are made.

Will I lose weight on this program?

One Body to Love follows the Intuitive Eating, weight-neutral framework. The focus and intention is not on weight loss. If you are looking to lose weight, this may not be the right program for you. 

What if I’ve already tried everything and nothing has worked? How do I know this will actually work?

Intuitive Eating is not something you can pass or fail. Intuitive Eating is unlike any diet you've tried before, because is not a diet! It's a complete shift in your mindset and relationship with food. You’re not alone in this concern. New = scary, and that’s why you’ll have support every step of the way.

Can I sign up anytime?

Yes! Enrollment to the program is open and we welcome you to join our supportive community. 

I have more questions—how can I get in touch?

I’m here to answer any questions you have! Please email me directly at

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