My Binge Eating Recovery Journey

Sitting in my car at a red light, I could feel the excitement in my body. I couldn’t wait to get to Taco Bell for my weekly cheat meal. It was the epitome of everything I avoided all week. The momentary satisfaction I got from the savoury goodness was nothing like the “good” foods I made myself stick to. 

“This is quite possibly the most excited I’ve been all week, and it’s for Taco Bell!” Suddenly, it hit me. From herein, if I continue to follow this rigid eating plan, the highlight of my week will be my cheat meal. 

I wish I could say that moment everything changed, but it didn’t. It took several years for me to realize my all-or-nothing approach to food wasn’t sustainable.

Thankfully I found Intuitive Eating and my relationship with food is 100% different. Fast forward a few years and I began repairing my relationship with food and my body. At the time I was in graduate school to become a clinical therapist. I recognized how my own sense of self-worth and value was tied to how I nourished myself and moved my body. 

I spent the front end of my clinical career working in various eating disorder treatment programs. I eventually founded my own clinic, Parallel Wellness. I realized there was a massive gap in services for women who struggled with emotional eating and binge eating. I returned to grad school to become a psychologist (still plugging away on my dissertation). I focused my research on disordered eating support.

All this put the creation of One Body to Love into motion (and I’m proud of her!). One Body to Love is an intimate, comprehensive, fully supported program for women who want to reconnect with their bodies. I help members learn to trust their hunger and fullness cues, and end emotional eating for good. 

I’m super curious to know – what has been your biggest struggle when it comes to your relationship with food and your body? I would love to know, so please email me and let me know!

Connect with me on Instagram, where I hang out (probably a bit too much). Then check out my YouTube channel for my full library of episodes on binge eating recovery and Intuitive Eating. 

Guide me in the proven strategies to
overcome binge eating!

You’re ready to connect with a community of women also in recovery from binge eating - you are not alone! - while learning all the tools you need to repair your relationship with food and your body.

One Body to Love is a comprehensive virtual program that will support you through each stage of your binge eating recovery. Scientifically-proven strategies and community support will guide you through the recovery process.

Intuitive Eating Coaching & Community

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